Queen'scroft High School

Friends of Queen's Croft

Please see the school calendar for information on our meetings or events

 Who are we?

We are a group of people made up from the Queen’s Croft Community, we encompass all Parents and Carers of current pupils of Queen’s Croft along with members of staff and long-standing dedicated community members.

We have a very similar purpose to a PTA however, as a Registered Charity,  we have certain advantages in our fund raising activities.  We have a small but highly focused committee who meet very informally at the school five or six times throughout the year.

Our Aim

Our main purpose is to support the enrichment of the pupils of Queen’s Croft by discussing ideas and suggestions and ultimately raising some much-needed funding. We arrange and plan events, source and apply for local funding and support the school in running these fundraisers.

We try and keep things simple and have lots of fun in process! We are aware of how valuable your time is, so we are mindful of keeping meetings to minimum time needed and we keep our fundraising projects manageable.

 So, how can you help us?

  • By having a child or children at school you are already a part of the ‘Friends’.
    We do, however, ask that you consider joining the committee or indeed just come along on an ad hoc basis, particularly if you want to share an idea with us.
  • Support the events we put on - they tend to be inexpensive and great fun.
  • Do you run a business or does someone in your family?  If so, please consider adopting ‘Friends’ as your chosen charity.  Please remember tax relief is available on corporate donations.        
  • Does your employer offer a charity “Pound Match” scheme?  These days, an increasing number of companies will offer to match any fund-raising activities of the employee’s chosen charity up to say £100/250/500 once a year.  One of our parents was able to swell one of our fundraiser’s coffers on this basis.  If your employer doesn’t do this, perhaps ask them to consider it, particularly the larger concerns?
  • Have you got connections with local charitable organisations like Rotary, Round Table, Lions, etc. all of whom actively look to support their local communities?

We have a wonderful environment at Queen’s Croft and there is every opportunity for our children to fulfill their potential.  Friends’ play a huge part in providing some additional finance in support of the school’s development plans.  Without the funds that Friends raises the children would miss out on lots of the extra goodies that Friends is able to provide.

Chair: Louisa Sedgwick

Secretary: Alison Vernon

Treasurer: Lynn Hill

Supporting members:

Helen Blogg

Amy Strachan

Lynn Harris

Contact us by email at:   Friends@queenscroft.staffs.sch.uk

Alongside our usually fundraising, we are currently raising £18K for our contribution towards our new school minibus! if you have any fundraising ideas to help us reach our goal we would very much like to hear from you!

Our next meeting will be on TBC