Queen'scroft High School

Inspiring GREATness Goals Readiness Education Achievement Talent


Sam Wood and Letitia Carter - Co-Headteachers

Sam Wood & Letitia Carter Co-Headteachers 

It gives us T  pleasure to warmly welcome you to Queens Croft High School. We are excited about the school’s future as we continue on a mission to ness!  

What’s most important is that we build professionally strong, open, and mutually respectful relationships, which is in the best educational interests of the students who attend our school.

We are unapologetic in our relentless drive to ensure that we are aspirational for our students and that they receive a T   education.

what Our Students Say:

  • Year 10

    "Queen's Croft is GREAT because the amount of opportunities that everyone has compared to mainstream schools is incredible; like talent shows, school trips and sport competitions"

  • Year 10

    "Queen's Croft is GREAT because I get lots of opportunities to play sports. I enjoy Lunchtime clubs and Friday's talent day"

  • Year 8

    "Queen's Croft is GREAT because it's fun and I enjoy the lessons"

  • Year 8

    "Queen's Croft is GREAT because we do lots of fun things here like bike riding and cooking. I have also represented the school in sports."